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2024-09-24 21:01:57 来源: 浙江省国际传播中心 阅读 (47403次)

Zhejiang International Studies University (ZISU) hosted the 2024 International Conference on "People's Canal, Tourists' Canal" on Sept 19 to mark the 10th anniversary of the successful inscription of the Grand Canal of China on the World Heritage List.

今年是中国大运河申遗成功十周年,近日,浙江外国语学院举办了2024“人民的运河 游客的运河”国际学术研讨会。

The Grand Canal is not only the cultural heritage of China, but also a treasure of the world. The conference has constructed a platform for international exchanges and cooperation to explore innovative ideas and exemplary models for the protection, inheritance and utilization of the Grand Canal cultural heritage. More than 100 participants, including experts and scholars from Peking University, Tsinghua University, Belarusian State University of Economics, University of Hawaii in the United States and Free University of Berlin in Germany, attended the event. Their discussions covered two topics, namely "Canal Cultural Heritage and the Exchange and Mutual Learning of Chinese and World Civilizations", and "Canals and Cultural Heritage Protection, Inheritance and Utilization".


Photos provided to ZICC

ZISU has jointly established the Institute for Humanities Exchanges in the Cultural Tourism Service Industry with the China Center for International People-to-People Exchange of the Ministry of Education. It has also established think tanks such as the International Research Center of the Grand Canal and the Institute of International Tourism and Leisure, conducting research on Grand Canal culture, cultural heritage inheritance, protection and utilization, and rural revitalization.


Photo provided to ZICC

In addition, in order to strengthen cooperation between universities and local communities, and promote the international communication of Zhejiang province with the canal as a link, the conference launched "an Initiative for Enhancing International Communication of Chinese Modern Civilization Construction in Zhejiang province".
