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A Path Towards Healing 一条西非内陆的“治愈大道”

2024-09-09 13:02:44 来源: 非洲时报 阅读 (11367次)


During a recent free clinic in Baguinéda, Mali, organized by the Chinese medical aid team, villagers from 32 nearby villages gathered in large numbers, forming an endless queue that lasted until 2 pm before the event finally concluded in a chaotic rush. Zhang Changfeng, a physician of anesthesiology at Shaoxing People's Hospital and a member of the Chinese medical aid team in Mali, recorded this day’s work in his social media platform.


As a member of the 29th Chinese medical aid team to Mali, Zhang has spent more than nine months in Africa, frequently sharing his daily work and life, as well as the local customs and culture of Mali, through pictures and text on social media.


Every day in Africa leaves a lasting impression on Zhang.


“Mali is much cooler compared to the scorching heat in China,” Zhang said. It is currently the rainy season in Mali, which is a time when infectious diseases are prent, and the local population faces the threat of malaria. The increase in malaria cases, along with the risk of infection, has made Zhang and his medical team busier than usual.


Mali, a landlocked country in Western Africa, is one of the least developed countries in the world. Due to poor healthcare conditions, locals often endure illnesses without proper treatment. Kida, a local Taekwondo coach, is one of them.


In the Malian capital, Bamako, the hospital built with assistance from China has earned the praise of the local people. The road connecting the hospital and the medical team's residence is known as “Zhejiang Avenue”. It was on this road that Zhang and his morning jogging companion, Kida, became acquainted.



A picture of Zhang and Kida.


“Kida's father had a foot amputation due to diabetes and requires long-term wound care. Kida often stays at the hospital to take care of him,” Zhang said. Over time, the two became familiar with each other.

有一天,这位强壮的跆拳道教练忽然在陪护时裹着被子,没什么精神。张昌锋知道,他感染了疟疾。“担心他耽误病情,我就帮他配了药。他很意外也很感动,紧紧握着我的手。” 张昌锋说。

Zhang noticed that the usually strong Taekwondo coach was wrapped in a blanket and had a lethargic look while caring for his father one day. Zhang realized that Kida had contracted malaria. “Worried about his condition worsening, I gave him some medicine. He was surprised and deeply grateful, holding my hand tightly,” Zhang recalled.


The medical team uses artemisinin, an effective antimalarial drug, in their treatments. Team members returning from a brief visit to China brought back 800 doses of the medication recently, which were distributed to patients in Mali for free.



The medical team brought back 800 doses of artemisinin recently.


The 29th Chinese medical aid team to Mali consists of 23 members. They will work in Africa for 18 months. On the evening of Nov 25, 2023, Zhang and the team arrived in Bamako after a 12-hour flight to Ethiopia, followed by another 7-hour flight. It was the most comfortable season in Bamako, but “after January, the temperature becomes unbearable, usually surpassing 40 C,” Zhang recalled. The city where the team works frequently experiences power outages, and the hygiene conditions and equipment are inadequate, with a severe shortage of emergency medications.



The 29th Chinese medical aid team conducting a surgery.


Despite the extreme scarcity of medical resources, the team has built a strong reputation in local community by treating one patient after another. They rushed to save a patient with an intestinal obstruction at 2 am. They also successfully saved a patient who had lost about 3,600ml of blood, despite the lack of blood gas analysis equipment. These cases are countless for the team and Zhang, who believes “We're in a China-Africa community with a shared future and this is just what we should do.”


Zhang also recalls a throat cancer patient he treated when he first arrived in Mali, who underwent a 9-hour surgery. “During his recovery, he would walk in the corridor every day. Since he couldn't speak after the surgery, he would smile at me whenever he saw me. To show his good recovery, he would even do a few standard push-ups to express his gratitude,” Zhang said.



A picture of Zhang and patient.


In the evenings, Zhang usually takes a walk along the Zhejiang Avenue, where he often encounters post-surgery patients. One girl who underwent surgery for empyema left a deep impression on him. “She recovered very quickly, and I met her on the avenue the day after her surgery. She would smile shyly at me, and I would always give her a lollipop as encouragement,” Zhang said.



A picture of Zhang and patient.


Malians are passionate about football, and Zhang could see several groups of people playing on the football field along the Zhejiang Avenue almost every day. “Half of them don't even have proper football shoes, but their enthusiasm remains undiminished, even in sandals.” When they see Chinese faces, they often greet them with a “Ni Hao” in Chinese.



A picture of Zhang and the locals.


In Mali, the Zhejiang Avenue connects the work and life of the medical team, reflecting the deep friendship between the people of the two countries. It is also a “healing avenue”.


Zhang has gained a new understanding and love for this piece of land. For instance, he used to think that tropical regions would have an abundance of fruits, “but it turns out that here, it’s mostly just mangoes”. He also noted that his Malian colleagues at the hospital, as well as the security staff at the residence, would always take time in the morning to gather and brew tea, which usually comes from Chinese supermarkets.


Zhang frequently shares his experiences in Africa on social media.


Halfway through the medical aid mission in Africa, Zhang has written over 340 entries in his African aid journal, each reflecting his dedication to saving lives and providing a glimpse into China’s decades-long commitment to medical aid in Africa.


Far from home, life in Africa has been both challenging and fulfilling. Zhang has grown to love these days, saying, "Every day here is meaningful, and I am willing to dedicate all my knowledge." Every doctor like him in the medical team demonstrates the profound essence of the China-Africa community of shared destiny through their actions.