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A Letter from 13,000 km Away 一封1.3万公里外的来信

2024-09-09 12:51:24 来源: 非洲时报 阅读 (11298次)

一个平常的工作日,浙江省国际传播中心的邮箱收到了一封特殊的来信,这封信的收件人是“叶村村的家人们”,而写信人是肯尼亚编辑协会成员、高级编辑Ken Bosire。


It was a common working afternoon and an email, attached with a letter addressed to “in-laws in Yecun village”, was sent to the mailbox of Zhejiang International Communication Center.

This email was sent from Ken Bosire, a senior editor based in Nairobi, Kenya. And his sensational letter drew our memory back to June 18, a rainy summer day on which the story began.




A letter from Ken to “in-laws in Yecun village”.


As a member of Kenya Editors Guild (KEG), a professional association of editors in Kenya, Bosire visited East China’s Zhejiang province with his colleagues in June and paid a visit to Yecun village in Suichang county of Lishui city.

Rosemary Adikin is a Ugandan girl who lives in this village with her Chinese husband Wu Jianyun and two kids. More commonly known as Rose on the internet, the African girl shares her life in rural China with short videos and has over 10 million followers on social media.

“We are proud to associate with our Rose, 30, a celebrity in China, Africa, and globally. She has a very popular live-streaming and vlogging channel that gives her legion of followers, especially in Africa, a peek into how she lives her enchanting life in the land of mouth-watering dishes, scenic countryside, and lifestyle,” Bosire wrote in his letter.

媒体团一行5人专程赶往那里,探望了他们的非洲“亲人”Rose。团长Zubeida Kananu说,Rose在肯尼亚很有名,几乎每个人都知道她。“她的视频有一种亲切感,所以我们特别想跟她聊一聊,再把她的故事带回非洲。”她说。

Zubeida Kananu, president of KEG, has also put out that Rose is very popular in Kenya that almost everybody knows her.

“We feel like she is close at home, telling us about the food, the tradition, about the neighbors, introducing her daily life,” she said.

And they had the chance to meet her in real life.



Members of Kenya Editors Guild paid a visit to Rose’s family in June (Ken on the left).


Though not blood-connected, the Kenyan delegation just seemed to have natural bound with Rose and her family.

They danced and sang songs to celebrate the birth of new baby to the family, delivered blessings, and regarded themselves as grandpa, grandma and aunties from Africa.



Members of Kenya Editors Guild paid a visit to Rose’s family in June (Ken on the right).


“我们在Rose的家里体验到了中非结合的热情。我们给Rose女儿唱的歌,表达了我们对吴家的祝福。这真是一场令人感动的聚会。” Ken在信中回忆了当时的场景。“我们的中国领队在看到吴建云的表嫂抱着Rose满月不久的女儿,在她耳边轻轻说道:‘宝宝,你的非洲外公外婆来看你了’时,瞬间泪目。”


When one of the Chinese aunties cuddled Rose’s three-month-old baby and emotionally whispered into her ear in Chinese: Baby, your grandparents and aunties from Africa are here to see you, some of them were left in tears.

“We were happy that our girl from Uganda had found true and enduring love in your Yecun village, a land bubbling with beauty, life, and love enveloped in rural humility,” said Bosire in his letter.


Although itshowered heavily on that day, Rose showed her African relatives around the village, which also left deep impression on Ken.

“Our maiden visit to the serene village, tucked in the breathtaking and lucid mountains, clothed in a blanket of lush greenery, trees, cultivated fields, and meandering clean, energetic, and talking rivers, was memorable,” he recalled in the letter.


They also visited the new house of Rose’s family, which is still under construction and is expected to be done in October.


The visit was brief. Upon their leaving, Ken put his hand on Rose’s head and murmured some words. He said it is a blessing ritual in Africa and he wished all the best for the family.



回到肯尼亚不久,媒体团成员之一Linda Bach就给我们发来了她在肯尼亚主流英文大报《旗帜报》上刊发的整版报道。正如团长Zubeida临别时所说的那样,这篇名为《克服重重困难 在离家数千英里的地方过着童话般的生活》(原文标题:Beating all odds to live fairy tale thousands of miles away from home)的报道,详细讲述了Rose在中国的经历和目前的生活状态。

Linda Bach, a member of the delegation, sent back her report on Rose’s family posted on The Standard, the oldest newspaper in Kenya. Titled Beating all odds to live fairy tale thousands of miles away from home, the report shared a thorough insight on Rose’s life in China.



The report on Rose’s family was posted on The Standard.


"Rose took us to a modern house she is building which is nearing completion. From the smiles, it was evident that this was a great feat for the family," Bach wrote in the story.


Bosire, the only male member in the delegation, seems to be more emotional that he wrote a letter and recorded a video,which to pass his gratitude and wishes to people in Yecun village.

“作为来自非洲的 ‘亲人’,我们很高兴看到我们的乌干达女儿Rose能在叶村村这片充满爱和活力的土地找到真爱。”Ken说。“Rose和她的家人,以及村民们以‘亲人’的规格接待了我们。这次团聚不仅是一次深刻的情感交流,也是一次重要的跨文化融合。”

“In a nutshell, Rose, her family, and villagers received our team with a touch of blood kinship—parents, grandparents, and in-laws. The reunion was not only deeply emotional but also a significant intercultural fusion,” he said.


And he did not forget to collect dowry for his Ugandan daughter.

“I will soon gather elders from East Africa to return to Yecun village to collect our cow. It will not be in cash, but a real four-legged animal with long and beautiful Abanyankole horns!” Bosire wrote at the end of the letter. “I promised to return soon for it, and hopefully, I will collect this kinship-binding cow when we attend the housewarming in October this year. Prepare for the cow for us!”


We handed the letter to Tu Zhiguang, an official with the village, and he responded with a lump in his throat.



Tu Zhiguang, an official of Yecun village, read the letter to villagers.


“Cows are ready, as well as all the good things we can provide. They are always welcomed here,” he said.

