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2021-06-01 01:10:13 来源: 非洲时报 阅读 (10380次)


2013年,习近平在印度尼西亚巴厘岛出席亚太经合组织工商领导人峰会时发表演讲,引用了唐代诗僧尚颜所著《送朴山人归新罗》中的一句话:“浩渺行无极,扬帆但信风。”时隔逾千年,这句唐诗被赋予了什么现代内涵?点击CGTN双语视频,寻找答案。Over 1,000 years ago, a Chinese poet wrote, "Boundless is the ocean where we sail with the wind." It means there is no geographical limit to where we travel to meet friends. In modern China, the aspiration has gained new dimensions. In over four decades, China has reformed its economy by working with the wider world in the conviction that openness is the way to growth and wealth. How should China adapt to a changing world in a new era? How does China implement policies of openness and mutuality? Click the video for more.