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2020-07-18 03:01:48 来源: 非洲时报 阅读 (10501次)



2020年7月10日由人类幸福生活研究机构负责人Luke Liu 的组织下,9个代表各肤色人种的人士前往日内瓦。同时把关注反对歧视黑人,支持平等发展内容的信件,递交给联合国人权理事会总部。


人类幸福生活研究机构负责人Luke Liu表示:“我们永久不变的声音就是反对种族歧视!支持平权发展!”



The recent wave of global protests triggered by the death of George Floyd in the US, who was killed by police brutality, has made us all think deeply on the topic. The affirmative action bill has been passed for many years, but to this day, in the United States, African- Americans still receive unfair treatment and there is still racial discrimination.

People of other skin colors and in other countries also receive racial discrimination, therefore, we must work together to promote the human rights of people of ALL races and fight against discrimination and support equality development. Everyone in this world has the right to live a happy life. That is why, at this moment, WE ARE ALL BLACK! We must bravely proclaim the sound of justice!

On July 10th, 2020, Mr. Luke Liu, the head of the Human Life Happiness Research Center, organized a group of nine people, of different nationalities and skin colors, to go to Geneva to deliver a letter to the UN Human Rights Council, of which its content is against anti-racial discrimination and is in support of equality development, with hopes that the United Nations Human Rights Council will pay more attention to the problems of discrimination against African Americans in the US, place more importance on the problems of discrimination against ethnic minorities, put more effort in solving problems in the field of equal employment for women around the world, and protection of children around the world.

Our voice will never change! We are against racial discrimination! We support equality development!