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2020-04-22 18:51:56 来源: 非洲时报 阅读 (11519次)


最早提出”金砖国家”概念的英国前财政大臣、高盛集团前首席经济学家吉姆·奥尼尔(Jim O’Neill)于近日在世界报业辛迪加网站上发表了一篇评论文章,对一些媒体“甩锅”中国、炒作“中国责任论”的动机和影响提出了深刻的见解。与此同时,国际知名哲学家、社会学家、山东大学政治学与公共管理学院院长贝淡宁(Daniel A. Bell)教授也对妖魔化中国的论调进行了反驳。




But anyone who is still focusing on China's failings instead of working toward a solution is essentially making the same mistake.


What is less clear is why other countries think it is in their interest to keep referring to China’s initial errors, rather than working toward solutions. For many governments, naming and shaming China appears to be a ploy to divert attention from their own lack of preparedness. 

指责世卫于事无补 不如联手抗疫



Equally concerning is the growing criticism of the World Health Organization.




△ 英国《卫报》4月9日的一则报道称,由于美国新冠肺炎确诊病例达到40万,特朗普再次指责世卫组织。

△ 截至目前,美国多次将防疫问题政治化,并谴责世卫组织“由中国主导”,最终以世卫组织“未能履行基本职责,必须追究责任”为由,于4月14日宣布“断供”。




At a time when the top global priority should be to organize a comprehensive coordinated response to the dual health and economic crises unleashed by the coronavirus, this blame game is not just unhelpful but dangerous.



Given that there is no other global health organization with the capacity to confront the pandemic, the WHO will remain at the center of the response, whether certain political leaders like it or not.


Having dealt with the WHO to a modest degree during my time as chairman of the UK’s independent Review on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), I can say that it is similar to most large, bureaucratic international organizations.Like the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the United Nations, it is not especially dynamic or inclined to think outside the box.


But rather than sniping at these organizations from the sidelines, we should be working to improve them. In the current crisis, we should be doing everything we can to help both the WHO and the IMF to play an effective, leading role in the global response.


Globally and at the country level, we desperately need to do everything possible to accelerate the development of a safe and effective vaccine, while in the meantime stepping up collective efforts to deploy the diagnostic and therapeutic tools necessary to keep the health crisis under control.

2008 VS 2020,请停止对中国双标


△ 2017年8月17日,《华尔街日报》在YouTube视频网站上传了一段名为《2008金融危机:解释起源》的视频,用来纪念金融危机(视频中时间轴从2007年8月开始计算)十周年。视频的整体基调更趋于平和客观。图片为该视频中片段截屏。 


In thinking about an international response to today’s health and economic emergency, the obvious analogy is to the 2008 global financial crisis. Everyone knows that crisis started with an unsustainable US housing bubble, which had been fed by foreign savings, owing to the lack of domestic savings in the United States.


When the bubble finally burst, many other countries sustained more harm than the US did, just as the COVID-19 pandemic has hit some countries much harder than it hit China.


And yet, not many countries around the world sought to single out the US for presiding over a massively destructive housing bubble, even though the scars from that previous crisis are still visible. On the contrary, many welcomed the US economy’s return to sustained growth in recent years, because a strong US economy benefits the rest of the world.


So, rather than applying a double standard and fixating on China’s undoubtedly large errors, we would do better to consider what China can teach us. Specifically, we should be focused on better understanding the technologies and diagnostic techniques that China used to keep its (apparent) death toll so low compared to other countries, and to restart parts of its economy within weeks of the height of the outbreak.

△ 新冠肺炎重症病人需要24小时的密切监测。左边的病人已经用上了体外膜肺氧合治疗(ECMO)。据新华网3月18日消息,全球现有1200台ECMO呼吸机,中国就拥有400余台。(图片来源:南方周末)


And, for our own sakes, we also should be considering what policies China could adopt to put itself back on a path toward 6% annual growth, because the Chinese economy inevitably will play a significant role in the global recovery. If China’s post-pandemic growth model makes good on its leaders’ efforts in recent years to boost domestic consumption and imports from the rest of the world, we will all be better off.

4月5日,一位名叫尼尔·弗格森(Niall Ferguson)的历史学家在英国《泰晤士报》发表文章称,有必要让中国为疫情的全球扩散负责。


哲学家、社会学家贝淡宁(Daniel A. Bell)4月21日在其个人网站撰文,对弗格森捏造中国在1月份发现疫情后仍向国际社会传播病毒的言论进行了反驳。文章开头他就直言,针对中国的无端指控不仅来自“不知名的阴谋论者或好莱坞编剧的丰富想象力”,还被在主流媒体上发表,他对此感到惊讶。


Conspiracy theorizing of this sort deflects attention from what actually went wrong. And it fuels the demonization of the Chinese political system at the same time we need collaboration between China and the rest of the world to deal with an urgent global pandemic.

世界本就是一个整体,无论是公共卫生危机还是经济危机,所有人类只能同进退、共面对。 危机来临时相互支持,相互帮助借鉴,才能更快地走过艰难时世。 “众人拾柴火焰高”,国际社会只有将政治的阴谋诡计放在一边,积极解决实际问题,团结一致抗击疫情,才能推动人类社会重新恢复正常,世界经济再次复苏。

以上部分内容编译自4月14日由吉姆·奥尼尔(Jim O’Neill)发布在世界报业辛迪加的文章《指责中国是一个危险的注意力转移策略》(Blaming China Is a Dangerous Distraction)。






