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记者首次进入新冠疫苗生产车间年产 三亿的"国货"即将来袭!!

2020-08-25 20:05:10 来源: CGTN 阅读 (5594次)


Subtitles for Q1, Q2, and Q3 are checked& OK. -- Lara




Sinovac board chairman: Our vaccine iseffective against

different virus strains from around theworld



In the race for a COVID-19 vaccine, Chinahas three frontrunners.

One is by Beijing-based biotech firm,Sinovac... which says its vaccine has proven effective against several strainsof the coronavirus.

CGTN's reporter Wu Guoxiu has an exclusiveinterview with the company's chairman ...

who promised wide access to the vaccineonce it becomes available. (TAKE SOT)





【Sound_bite】(female,Chinese) English subtitles




Chairman of the Board & CEO, SinovacBiotech Ltd.


【Sound_bite】(male, Chinese) English subtitles



The COVID-19 virus strains prent in theworld are different. Will this vaccine work against all of them?

大家知道,我们进入四月份之后,有国外流入的病例。我们海关隔离的就是进入关之后被隔离的,那么他发病其实他不是在中国感染的,它是在世界各地感染的,但它回到中国之后,我们获得了20多株这样的病毒,不同的序列,包括来自美国的,来自欧洲的,来自中东地区的不同国家的。Then we 然后我们用我们疫苗免疫的血清,与这来自世界各地不同的病毒进行中和,发现都能中和掉,不论是你来自美国的还是欧洲的都能中和掉。所以这是非常乐观的看到,其实新冠病毒血清型并没有改变,我们的疫苗对来自全球的病毒都能中和,那就可以推测我们的疫苗在全球都可以获得保护。

As you know, since April, we have hadinfected cases from abroad. They showed symptoms in China, but were notinfected in China. We obtained over 20 different virus strains from them,including those from the United States, Europe, and different Middle Eastcountries. Then we used the immune serum of our vaccine to neutralize thesevirus strains. We found they were all neutralized, regardless of where it camefrom. So we were very optimistic to see the serum type of the COVID-19 virushas not changed. Our vaccine can neutralize all virus strains from the globe.We can predict that our vaccine will have a protective effect in the world.



How is the production capacity?


Our production capacity has reached 300million doses annually. This capacity can meet domestic demand and somecountries' demand. So we have promised some countries that they can enjoy thesame priority as China. That means the 300 million capacity will be provided tocountries with high infection rates, including Indonesia.



President Xi has announced that vaccinesdeveloped by China will be a global public good. Sinovac also aims to serve thepeople across the world. How will these vaccines be distributed in the future?


In fact, what we value most or prioritizeare these two elements.

One is that there is a large populationthat needs to be protected.

The other is that the area has a highinfection rate.

You shouldn't think that China's infectionrate is not high.

China is actually seriously infected.

We have experienced the Wuhan epidemic, soyou know how China was hit by the virus.

It's just that we've controlled theepidemic.

In fact, our 1.4 billion people have noimmunity.

We are far away from pure herd immunity,and there is a very large population that needs to be vaccinated.